Spot Trading Signal Performance (1-Year)

How It Works

CryptoTradeMate analyzes market data using AI and generates trading signals based on various technical indicators. Our signals provide traders with actionable insights for spot trading, helping you make informed decisions in real-time.

What Makes Us Different

Unlike other signal providers, CryptoTradeMate uses advanced AI algorithms and customizable strategies that adapt to changing market conditions. Our bot continuously learns and improves its predictions, offering you an edge in the competitive world of crypto trading.

Crypto Trading Style 1-Year Performance Action
BTCUSDT Spot 122.93% 🚀 Get Orders
ETHUSDT Spot 44.07% 🚀 Get Orders
BNBUSDT Spot 156.08% 🚀 Get Orders
XRPUSDT Spot 11.36% 🚀 Get Orders
ADAUSDT Spot 33.69% 🚀 Get Orders
SOLUSDT Spot 546.56% 🚀 Get Orders
AVAXUSDT Spot 164.02% 🚀 Get Orders
FETUSDT Spot 519.38% 🚀 Get Orders
SHIBUSDT Spot 80.94% 🚀 Get Orders
TRXUSDT Spot 6.98% 🚀 Get Orders
APTUSDT Spot 17.43% 🚀 Get Orders
GRTUSDT Spot 52.25% 🚀 Get Orders
FTMUSDT Spot 230.84% 🚀 Get Orders
DOGEUSDT Spot 63.53% 🚀 Get Orders
MKRUSDT Spot 10.51% 🚀 Get Orders
AAVEUSDT Spot 109.45% 🚀 Get Orders

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